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This Week in Second Grade

A Very Busy Week

This week we were very busy. We learned about homonyms (not to be confused with homophones) and contractions. In math, we are doing double digit addition and subtraction! We learned how adding like units or drawing a picture can help us to solve a problem. The students struggled with these new mathematical strategies, but with some extra practice they are now getting the hang of it. In Social studies, we talked about communities and made our own neighborhood maps. In Bible, we have been talking about God’s promises and specifically this week about the promise of heaven. Bible is one of my favorite times as we always have some really great class discussions.

Today we had a guest speaker, my sister, Loren. She talked to the K-2 students about Nicaragua. We looked at their currency, ate some plantains, and learned some words in spanish. We also got to see pictures of what their churches and schools look like, as well as saw pictures of some of the orphans. Loren will be moving to Nicaragua in January for a full year to teach in the school as well as help to build a new orphanage.This will be her fourth trip to Nicaragua. Loren told us some ways that our class can serve the school in Nicaragua and some specific pastors and children to keep in our prayers. We are hoping to become pen pals with the students down there and possibly send supplies to them later this year.
Parents, curriculum night is coming this Thursday, September 29! More information will be sent out through the school’s emailing system. You will not want to miss curriculum night as we will be going over classroom and homework policies, as well as putting out signups for parent teacher conferences and other upcoming events. But even more importantly, your children have some lovely work displayed that they are itching for you to see. Soccer shots and upwards basketball are coming soon! Keep an eye out for fliers and emails with more information. Soccer shots is an after school program. Upwards is a basketball program that includes both practices and games. These practices are held at different times and locations.

Last but not least, we will be gaining two new class members on Monday. They are new to some, and old friends to others. Jayda and Jocelyn are coming back to WOLCA! We discussed as a class what it will look like Monday. We talked about how we should be very welcoming and helpful to these two girls as they are adjusting to our routine and schedule. I am excited to expand our second grade family. Thank you again parents for all you do! Have a great weekend.

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