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This Week in Second Grade

Our First Week Together

We all learned a lot. Even in just a few short days we learned a new schedule, routines, rules, and more about each other. Not to mention we jumped right into math, reading, writing, & social studies. It is a work in progress even for me, but I know it won’t be long until it is second nature to all of us. I am so proud of all of my second graders. They are picking up the routines quickly and dazzling me with all of the information they remember from last year. Next week I will be starting DRA’s and other assessments. This will help me know how to best help each student so that they can be the most successful,

Starting tomorrow, passports will be coming home everyday. Please check them, empty them, and send them back each morning. You will not see homework in their passports until after curriculum night. I want to give everyone some time to adjust and get used to the routines before sending home homework. I have started using Class Dojo. I absolutely love Class Dojo! We even have a Dojo club in our classroom where the kids can earn special rewards when they reach certain point values. Each week we will also have one Dojo Leader. This person is someone who goes above and beyond to be kind, encouraging, and helpful to others inside and outside of our classroom. The leader of the week will get to wear a special tag and have other fun privileges. If you need to get a hold of me, Class Dojo is the best way. I do check my e-mail everyday, but it is much easier to respond on the go with class Dojo. One last reminder. If you have not filled out an emergency contact card, let me know ASAP and I will send you one. They are mandatory and the nurse will be in next week to look through them.

Parents, thank you for all you do! Your children are a joy to teach. I look forward to a great year. As always, feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

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